In the office

Office Guidelines

General Areas

  • Usage: Feel free to use the kitchen for work, client calls, or relaxation.


The offices are the places where the work get's done. Some general guidelines:

  • Library Rules Application: Please maintain a library-like atmosphere by keeping noise to a minimum, especially when others are focusing or engaging in quiet activities.

  • Chit-Chat Policy: Casual conversations in the office are acceptable occasionally, but please keep them brief or move to a general area to maintain a focus-friendly environment.

  • Closed Doors: Respect closed office doors as a sign of needed privacy and uninterrupted work time.

  • Phone Calls: If you share an office and need to make or receive calls, consider moving to a general area to avoid disturbing others. If it's a short call, you can stay put. But please use your headphones / earpieces, so your colleagues are less likely to be disturbed.

  • Discussions: For conversations with colleagues, utilize general areas to minimize disruption in shared offices.

Deep Room and Meeting Room Guidelines


  • These rooms are designed for focused, undisturbed work, with usage governed by a fair-use policy.

Vendic Shared Calendar

  • To guarantee availability and avoid overlapping bookings, reservations for both the Deep Room and Meeting Room should be made through the Vendic shared calendar. This ensures you have secured the space for your intended use.

  • When scheduling time in these rooms, please adhere to the fair-use policy, allowing equitable access for all team members.

Deep Room

  • Privacy: This room offers enhanced privacy and is situated away from common distractions.

  • Access Protocol: If the door is closed, you may knock but cannot enter without permission from the occupant.

Meeting Room

  • Client Meetings: Primarily intended for meetings with clients.

  • Other Uses: When not in use for client meetings, the room is available for internal meetings, calls, or focused work.

  • Booking: Ensure to reserve your time in the Meeting Room using the Vendic shared calendar.

Last updated