Remote working

You have the possibility to work two days from home per week. One day is fixed on Friday's, the other one is free of choice.

Vendic will provide all the items to properly do your work at home, including:

  • A display

  • A mouse/trackpad and a keyboard

  • A good desk chair if necessary

  • A MacBook as your working device with extra charger

Working from home etiquettes

Most full-timers work the Friday from home. This can be convenient to save on travel time and offers additional benefits.

Full-timers can take a second day of working at home, per week.

Please take into account the following etiquettes when working from home:

  • Let the team know in advance via Slack or Daily standup that you are planning to take a second day working from home. Don't do this on the day itself, that's pretty late.

  • You don't have to notify the team if you have a standard working day from home. You can assume your colleagues are aware of this.

  • Add this extra day to the general calendar.

  • Please use good judgment if it's a good idea to work from home that day. If you have meetings planned, discuss with your colleagues if that works for everybody.

General working from home etiquettes

  • Please stay available during this home working day. Colleagues might need you unexpectedly, so take that in account.

  • If you do plan to be temporarily unavailable during this day; please let your colleagues know in advance so everybody is up to date.

Last updated