Core values

Keep it simple

It's a big cliché, but that does not make it any less true. The best solutions are often the simplest ones. It's our job to make sure our clients get the simplest solutions to reach their goals.

Improve where you can

Even if it's a tiny improvement. A lot of tiny improvements provide a lot of progress in the long term. Don't wait for the ultimate theoretic moment or implementation to introduce changes. Make them where you can.

No third party junk

Sure, there are some high quality third party vendors active in our market. We are familiar with these vendors and their solutions can be integrated in our projects with confidence.

However, there are a lot of third party junk vendors too. These vendors provide bad code quality and bad architecture. These solutions need to be avoided at all costs. It may seem tempting at first, but trust us: you don't want this junk to be integrated in the projects. It will cost you in the long run.

Fun fact: we even specialize in taking over these junk projects. We make sure these projects are handled with care and expertise so they can get healthy again.

Build by Vendic

Most of the clients request are being build in-house. By building the solutions ourselves we can control the quality and consistency of the service and product way better. There might be situations though where we would opt for a high quality third party vendor.

Control the infrastructure, control the outcome

We built our deployment pipeline in-house. This gives us lot's of control and opportunities in building and maintaining our projects. Feature previews, extensive testing and integration with our other tools, it's all made possible by this infrastructure.

Think as an agency

It's our job to distribute our knowledge and code to our clients. This means we create our modules in a generic way, so we can implement them in other projects too. By using this philosophy we can pass on our added value across more projects.

Our deployment pipelines are also made in a way so that we can easily push changes to all of our clients at once. The end goal is to have amazing code to share across projects and having a efficient method of delivering and maintaining it.

Last updated